The film's probably so over-exposed by now that you wouldn't be able to make anything out anyway. Very cool shot though.
Dang, that looks like a hallway right out of my old high school!
That's a good point Alex...could be that's the silver lining of all these tasteless renovations.
Seriously..none in New York (where I'm from) either as far as I can remember...but you're also talking to a person who used to think the street sign for dead end streets that said "No Outlet" meant no electricity

That hose looks like it could start unravelling itself any second.
*is now terribly confused*
Check this out:
Safety Phrase S1 "keep locked up"

And Risk Phrase R4 "Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds". Perhaps we're missing a few numbers after that, or at least good thing you didn't open the cupbard

There is also this article about handling poisons which states: "scheduled poisons are marked S1 by BDH" That is from a university...
Looks like it. Perhaps they are ward numbers? Internal use meaning inside the listed ward or hospital only?
S1 & S4 ?
anna, it feels different each time for me... it depends on the type of place, if I've been there before, the temperature, the sounds, the smells, my mood; a whole bunch of things that form into one memory that is occasionally brought back by visiting a place under similar conditions.

My memory hasn't been the greatest with details though, after 100 or so hospitals they start to blend together. I want to start writing my trip down afterwards so I don't forget...
I didn't try to climb up top to see if the original ceiling was still intact. I don't remember seeing a ladder up there either...
Yes the left side of the hallway was boarded up, I assume it would be the side facing outward from the hospital.
This place was smashed up a bit, but yeah it wasn't too vandalized.
This was an unusually long and narrow room... it is the same room in the previous two photos. I would assume it to be a seclusion room at some point if the door had no handle and the window had this cover.
Yes the stack on the right were from the power plant.