765 Comments for Taunton State Hospital

Looks to be some kind of vinyl covering on top of the hardwood.
That was an AMAZING gallery! What an incredible location and great shots. I'll revisit this one many times I'm sure. Thanks again for sharing.
May not have looks quite as gloomy with no dirt or rust on them. When they were clean it may have let more light through and just looked brighter in general.
This actually looks good! Nice change from the normal hospital colors.
I don't see a face - where is it?
Yes - and rusted......very fine. Goodness these pictures...never-ending quest..

i see this little black metal square on the door-frame........
(also seen in pictures `Sifting Thru´+ `Round Table´)
and have no idea WHAT it is.
First thought it was The Light-switch.
Is it?
And...is that a Lamp fastened to the Transom Net above door? Too cool.
(Would light up in + out.)
Totally tubular? I guess. God, what is that thing?
This is my favorite from this set. such beauty in its old age. Thanks for the wallpaper.
Wanderer, this way they only had to chase the ball, not reset pins. I think they had to spin all the way around and then you got the points on the pin added to your score.
Maybe lab/blood spinner?
Wonder if it was anesthesia related. Kind of has that look about it. Black mask for the face and squeezable black bag to breath the patient. Multiple tanks and tubes for hookups. The metal valves look like typical medical gas valves.
Love it flushed.
Years ago I was at a rehab center visiting a patient and a patient, with paralysis from the waist down, was lying on a cart like that. he could use the large wheels to wheel himself around. This position took the weight off of his tailbone as a decubitus prevention measure. He couldn't steer very well, but he could move around enough to visit with different groups.
Yes Mr Motts the metal tags on everything in the hospital I worked in were for inventory control. If it was an electric piece of equipment it got a second tag that indicated it had been tested. This tag had to be changed as routine checks were done on the equipment.
I was thinking that exact thing Mica. Looks like that transom might not be in the best place if that table was handy to stand on. Guess that explains the grid in the transom.