609 Comments for Rathen State Hospital

Yes, I think most of the bedroom doors in this wing were metallic.
I think the sloping is an effect of the super-wide angle. I think this particular wing was constructed pretty much as-is, with the top floor; I haven't been able to pinpoint what date it was constructed. It's definitely not part of the old 1848 construction (concrete floors, metal doors, etc). Early 1900s I'm guessing.
I think this is the other side of the room; I believe they were symmetrical for the most part. Right side of this photo: http://www.opacity.us/image8295_mottled.htm
I think that's a box for the fire hose (no sprinklers).
Larry, yes I've had a ward door slam shut in a strong gust of wind, get jammed, and there was nothing on the door I could grab to pull it towards me. The doorknob was gone, but the lock assembly was still in place, so you couldn't even get your finger through. Luckily I had a hooked tool that could make it through the tiny hole there, and pulled it back.

Most problems I hear about are self-locking mechanisms, but I've always been very diligent about propping suspect doors open (knock on wood).
The air quality wasn't all that bad surprisingly (for only being in the room for a minute); it's all about ventilation.
I've noticed this trend too, BKW.
Thank yoy MR. Motts! Beatutiful pictures! Keep up your good work!
Great gallery. Thanks Mr. Motts. I hope you never run out of photos to share with us.
I find it a bit amazing how many old hospitals have had these hair dryers, there are quite a number in many of Mr. Motts' galleries of different locations.
Wow, great hallway shot and great lighting. Looks like a hall of marshmallow. Thanks for the wallpaper.
Wow, how neat. Love the colours, shapes, textures.
Ah, the lone chair shot. Wheel tracks are creepy. As bobo says, LOL Toot :)
good photo
Yuck. Were you wearing a mask, Mr. Motts?