4,224 Comments for Northampton State Hospital

Hm, I like the angle. Very Nice.
Mr. Black,

I am thinking that if they find him with a young woman dressed up in angel wings with black army boots who is bedaubed with fake blood, they are more likely going to take them on a sidetrip to Bellevue Psychiatric before they see the inside of a police station. However, I believe this to be Motts' true plan so he can sneak in a hidden camera and take pix from the inside of Bellevue.

Just a random stray thought.
Well, what I actually meant, Twug dearest, was that after I read that question I took one of those power tools that shoots metal rivets into metal beams and I shot myownself in the head with it. It seemed the kindest thing to do to my brain at that moment.
Thats some kitchen! Its pretty huge...woulda been prety interesting to see it when people actually used it and was full of cooks.
God I love your site. The pictures are amazing..thats obvious...but your site is wonderful. The layout and how you add YOUR own comments to pictures is great. Because I know I love to hear a little more about the picture and the site from your perspective as well learn a bit from others. Great work!
Far too riveting for me. I got a headache trying to figure it out...
John Black: No worries there, Motts uses his alien powers to zap in and out of these places, so I imagine that he could do the same for Candice and her bow!
I like this. Very intense. Shooting architecture and shooting potraiture are two differing photographic disciplines. I'm curious - who chose the poses? Motts or model?

Observation: Cool stuff - but I think you increased your risk level. Being caught trespassing, if you are, is one thing. Being caught trespassing with a compound bow complete with arrows yet another.
I dunno, maybe I'm seeing this one differently than you guys... It doesn't seem like she's reaching with malice at all, more like... loneliness? Fear? Desperation? Whatever emotion it is, it doesn't seem threatening...

Lynn(noE): You need to teach Java how to type WITHOUT USING ALL CAPS!
I have to admit that this is a riveting question . . . . .
umm was this like tooken by someone.. with someone or was this a random person?
hmm i love it
How much longer?.....(its as though that look on her face comes from a patients prespective)
Coming to terms with her imprisonment.
Youre amazing Motts..... these photos are so powerful!
As she stairs into the light, its not hard to read her mind.... " I want to go where the light is".