4,224 Comments for Northampton State Hospital

Johnny Mac, You the man.
I love the black and white photos of this auditorium, it looks so peaceful, I would have to say one of my favorite pictures.
was the atpe for the other side that we can not see, or were you being a rebell????
Motts you are fabulous at capturing emotion.
I am indeed an angle person and might I say the angle in this one and the emotion overwhelms me. This is my favorite by far.
After seeing the last one and clicking on this one, I nearly had a heart attack and pissed myself. I love the emotion and movement in this picture. The look on her face also just goes perfectly with the pose. Mr. Motts I give you a round of applause for this one.
Wonderfully full of emotion, I love the realistic looking blood, and how it was pooling into the drain and not just poured in some straight line like some cheap 2 dollar horror film.
My father has a contract to take off the roofs of a few of the buildings they are demolishing. My bf (works for my dad) got a bunch of pictures from inside...it's pretty neat.
as I was looking at this picture, I realize how different a blck and white VS color picture can change a persons perspective, the black and white photo of the auditorium showing the balcony looks angelic and timelss, this color picture, shows graffiti and disrepair, it is just sad to me to let something so beautiful go to waste! :-(
Johnny Mac: it is hard at times to not bring work home with you, so I believe that having to take a toke every now and then really is not a bad, thing, I never worked at a State hospital, but there were nights at the nursing home that I could have used some sort of release!!
All I can say is:

I am in total awe of you, Motts.......great job.
And kudos to Candace and Dash.

Thanks for feeding my obsession of abandoned (yet not forgotten) places. It's my therapy.
wow, this whole gallery's amazing, mr. motts, model work is definitely ur thing.
Johny: I am also a believer of such things, I would love to here what yuo ahve to say on the topic. bigspankyshell@hotmail.com, thanks Renee
Well said, Johnny Mac!
They burn like crazy too.