Is this photograph "The Shape of Things to Come" ?
Is this photograph a celluloid procognition of a future yet to arrive ?
This is the possible future >>>
The Men and Women who are the "modern day pioneers of Urban Exploration today" will someday become the "tour guides of Urban Exploration tomorrow".
And that will be a sad day indeed ! ! !
All of the excitement, danger, dirt and grit of going thru an old abandoned building will be replaced with the safe, clean, boring, dull and drab "state" of a walking tour.
Who knows; maybe Disneyland or KnottsBerry Farm will train people on how to give "walking tours" of old abandoned buildings.
And won't that be pathetic ! ! !
They will probably even charge admission and everything. Why, they might even have an "E - ticket ride". Well, wouldn't that be nice. The patron might even have to sign a waiver form so the company will not get sued by the injured party.
That could be the future....................................
Signed: An American Soldier stationed in Mannheim, Germany.
rust dont look like looks like old blood if da blood splashed on there from an impact to somebodys head or something....maybe one of the crazy people was running from a nurse and ran into the door head first...forgetting the door was closed...
Looking over this again, I feel like this would have been infinitely more effective without the presence of the wings. They just seem out of place with everything else present in the shots, perhaps because they just look a bit cheesy and... fake, I guess. And I think they do a little bit to take away from the poignancy that is otherwise gained from the combination of setting and model.