780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

it seems wheelchair racing was frowned upon
Love this! The blue (aqua?) and brown are nice and I just love the textures are so cool. I am also partial to the long hallway shots. :)
Felyne, that cracked me up!

Aww, they are indeed friends forever...or twins!
This is the buddy system, Were I worked at one time management got so mad about the messy toilets after use that we the wise guys said that they should go to bathroom in pairs to insure one or the other wasn't purposely making a mess of the toilets! Hence the buddy system. And no the buddy system never got off the ground.
You know, Mr. Motts, I initially thought, "Wow, that looks like a comfy chair" and then saw your title. Now it's only larva to me. I don't need to be sitting in that now. ;) I wonder if it was a dentist chair.
Nice! I love the peeling paint and the way the cracks in the paint seem more pronounced by the dirt/mold coming through.
you had your choice, egg rolls or Johnson Brauts
Awww, those brought back memories for me as well. I remember my grandmother using them. I miss her.
Anyway, how random that they are still there!
LOL Larry!
Motts, that title made me laugh!
LOL Rekrats! (I'm short too, damn high soap dispensers.) ;)
I love this in black and white, it brings out so many textures. Great shot.
Mama he does look a little down in the dumps
I think we had chairs like the one on the left in my college dorm common room...I just had a flashback! Ugh, not so pretty...I guess this was redone in the 60s/70s?
YAY! A new gallery! Of course I didn't check in yesterday and there it was. Looking forward to seeing this one.

Love the not so lonely chair shot, it's got a friend!
Before I noticed the heat registers at the bottom I thought the opening was for one of those electric fireplaces instead of a TV. I guess the TV would make more sense though. It is funny how that was the first thought that came to my mind though.