780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

*that*... And may it for many years to come
Wow, hat old soap dispencer joke's been haunting this message boards for an awefully long time : )
Buddy Dump!
You found the stool samples!
Motts have nt we seen these sort of marks on a wall in a different hospital?
it looks to me as though he is holding the pot of gold behind his back, that is why he is winking. the way the artist has drawn the arms make it look a bit like they are on backwards.
That room is in very good conditon compared to the rest of the place. Is it a newer section? It looks very modern as well.
happy Birthday Rekrats,hope the day was great for you.Thanx Motts for new gallery.
Great gallery Motts. Id love to see this place. Hi Debbie I'm here, Miss you.
Wow dirty and disgusting. That yellow must be the paint underneath
Seems like a nice place. But crappers and chairs behind those walls along with a prosthetic leg, a wheel chair wheel with 2 toilets and a self introspect list from an AA meeting with an incomplete grade because the person didn't sign his/her name

but a grade A+ for this guy we know as Motts for his great work
Those are horrible colors! I wonder when it was painted
Where are the toilet seats, were there every any? This bathroom is kind of creepy with those pipes showing and the high ceiling. Those toilets are creepy too but I like it.
Seems like a nice place. But crappers and chairs behind those walls along with a prosthetic leg, a wheel chair wheel with 2 toilets and a self introspect list from an AA meeting with an incomplete grade because the person didn't sign his/her name

but a grade A+ for this guy we know as Motts for his great work
Safety alert never, never back a chair up against the wall!