It's such a shame that in this country we allow these beautiful buildings to become reduced to rubble to replace them with lifeless structures. Even left to ruin, these buildings have such beauty and character.
Yet another beautiful gallery. Would be so neat if any of the kids who used to live there could happen upon these photos. What a story they could tell.
It was gorgeous in its prime. The vintage photos show how pretty it used to be.
This area looks so intact - was the inside of this section still standing?
A shell of its former self. You can still see how beautiful it was.
This would make a nice wallpaper. The stonework is very Gothic. Must have been really something in it's prime.
Perspective is great.
Was it abandoned before it burned or was it abandoned because it burned? Looks like one of the fire doors burned...
This place is way past decayed - its a ruin.
The inside is mostly outside - love that Larry D!
The faded hues of the paint are stellar.
It is beautiful in this state. I loved the vintage photos of this place...gives me something to compare these shots to.
beautiful. i like how the green pops out
awesome pic!!
Oh, the dramatic twist