Seems weird to me that they'd leave this behind. I used to work for Xerox, and I know that these things were mostly leased, rather than purchased (the lease contract included things like periodic maintenance). It doesn't look that old, either.
The sewing machine, being in the foreground like that, kind of looks like a predator waiting patiently for something weak and edible to show up so it can pounce. :)
If you look sideways at this picture, it almost looks like the topmost blade on the near side of the fan has a face on it. The two bolts below the line at the bottom look like a mouth with fangs, and the blades on either side look like either cape wings or else little stumpy raised arms. Bizarre!
I love the way the whole thing draws the eye upward--the point of the roof, the window, and the treatment above the window. The whole pic is like a big arrow.
My guess is that these would be the "steam drums" for the boilers. The "nipples" are actually strongbacks holding the access dorrs in place - the access doors being for umm...access.... for repairs, cleaning, etc.
And for the record, I am not sure that I would have had your character. Not for the monitory value. But because I love these sorts of items for their history. For instance, the removable type plates... I would have taken these with me and without issue, since they will surely be destroyed either through building collapse or otherwise. I wouldn't have thought twice about taking them to preserve such a treasure for myself.
I think that it says a lot about your character that you didn't remove items (I am only assuming) from this hospital. Some of the things in your photos would be worth a pretty penny.