Forgot to answer the latter part of your question.
From the late early 80's to approx. 92 it was considered the "Discharge Prep Unit" as "downsizing" was in full swing.
From what I have been told prior to when I started worhking their , it was an admission building or atleast a couple of the wards were for one of the nearby counties, and the large medical building had a couple of wards for for adm to the county the hospital is in. The basement of the building was used for patients to work, which they had consignment jobs for a nearby publishing company that used stand were the Home Depot now resides. If you would like more info you can
e-mail me at Looking forward to any photo's you may have.
wrb03, yes I have but I have yet to get to the photographs... I'll be sure to put them up in the next gallery. I don't want to disappoint, but now that I think about it I might only have a couple of photos from this building, it was *very* cleaned out and empty.
I was wondering if this building was used for a specific reason or treatment for a specific disorder, or if it was a just a general dormitory...?
There's a bunch of exteriors here and in the other galleries. The walls are very sturdy, it's the floors and roof that collapse frequently.
I wonder what the exterior shot of this same location looks like? There is an incredible amount of structural stress and deformation occurring. If the winter snows are heavy enough this winter it would not surprise me to see this section give out.
Great perspective involved in this shot, playing on the idea that there was once human contact with the mattress, which offered a place of comfort for the patient. Years later, he or she is absent, leaving a harsh, cold look in this decaying place.
Morbidly interesting.. Instead of seeing the interior of the Hospital, which housed mentally ill patients who were alive, we are now privy to the temporary location of a dead person. The wooden block heightens this idea greatly.
From the late early 80's to approx. 92 it was considered the "Discharge Prep Unit" as "downsizing" was in full swing.