338 Comments for Cedarcrest Sanatorium

I bet the slanted baseboards are to help with the casters on the hospital beds. Or something.
If u can helop - erasberry@armstrongmccall.com. Thx again.
Please, someone. I am a. Big fan blah blah blah. Is there a way I can post this link on my facebook page. Instead of notifying all my 200 friends? I don't want anyone to miss this. Would have emailed, but I can't from this stupid blackberry. :(
I know I wouldn't want to be in that bed that was so close to those doors. It would be a busy place esp if they were wheeling pts outside alot? It just seems as if it wouldn't be restful at all. Even with the curtains up. Ugh!! At least IMO...but who knows....Plus I'm surprised theres so much glass left in the doors and windows ....very interesting too.....
LOL Money. That sounds like something I would say !!!
That water tower does look high; perhaps it serviced the nearby town(s) and therefore required more pressure. The smaller one might have been solely for the hospital...
I was also wondering if that was the towel for cleaning the chute
would soooo like to have that sign. You definetly dont see that one everyday
Motts, another great exploration, always love it when i get online and there's a new gallery up!. I hope for all of us Opacity fiends you never do, but if you ever retire (or even sooner would be better, make a series) you should def write a book, with all these amazing photographs, and the stories that go along with them. I would def buy that, in fact Id like to pre-order one now. Thanks again and I wait with much anticipation for the next one.
i think i saw it move.... well, i could see how my mind would be afraid of it moving
what an odd place for a soap dispenser.....hmmm
ist looks like very peacefull...
I SELL THAT LENS! *cameras too.. lol*

Unfortunately I don't get to try it on anything fancier then a 7D, and inside the store - BOO.

Glad to see someone having fun with the wide-angle, especially you, Motts :)
Thanks, Motts. This is my new favorite place on the web.
This explains the dirty towel we seen earlier on the banister.