338 Comments for Cedarcrest Sanatorium

Thanks again Mr.Motts for such a great afternoon. It's great to sit down with old friends and enjoy real beauty from a true artist
this is one of the stranger buildings you've been in..
Very cool looking tornado shaped thing! I wonder what it is as well. Ditto the question about why the windows are there. I wonder if it was a way of visiting without having physical contact with a patient? That would be my guess anyway. Great colors!
Stripped pretty clean I'd say
Meybe some left over plastic or even a spider web?
I think it is more likely old cloth covered electric wiring
might be from a tag left on the bed frame?
Fla. Gator ,I think you nailed it.
O nly darkness at the end of this hall
Makes you wonder whats beyond the door at the end of the hall?
kind of like in the movie Ghost, one of the patients coming back for a look around?
TootUncommon , you hit the nail on the head.
Floors look like tile to me, ceilings are just the marks from the forms set to contain the cement poured from above.
Oh-- Also-- Thank you for this new gallery!
That's GORGEOUS! What a great find... I like the blue of the door and the vines are lovely... Strange to find such beauty tucked away like that.