2,174 Comments for Bennett School for Girls

definitely one in a Series of Disasters, huh?
this shot is Down to the Bone...
this is a section of the building designed by the Boston architectural firm of Allen & Collens, best known locally for the majority of buildings on the Vassar campus in Poughkeepsie. though there Tudor additions were
considered apropos for the campus, a great deal of the buildings deterioration began here.
actually this is the part of the complex
that is practically adjacent to the
caretakers residence in the old chapel.
asshead is indeed a prick beyond belief,
this may be the reason for its'
relatively undamaged condition.
the irony of chasing away us enthusiasts
is understandable but futile: clearly
No One Gives A FUCK About This Building!!!!!!
this is the shot that DOES scare the
shit outta' me....
i see pollack...
one of the deluxe suites from the Hall, the scenic view is practically identical as it was in 1893..except the power lines...
la petit rotunda....
lots of psychedelic substances were ingested here in this tower, from the very early 1960's until.. well probably now
at least if these kids today have any
architecturalo taste or imagination...
the tub itself looks relatively clean, no ?
actually the elevator services six stories
and the actual cage 'car' was itself a much older antique from a earlier age of
'carriage'. immediately after its' installation a similar hydraulic elevator was installed by the architect and the Otis Co at the Mohonk mountain House in new paltz
MY FAVORITE SHOT! these balconies were indeed active lounging and recreational areas with seating and decoratve plantings....ah the mists of time..
full bitchin colors!
i believe it !
gorgeous, from the nursery, this became the arts and crafts center at bennet, i
remember being in here when i was like
4 & 5....this really brings back memories! thanks mott!