688 Comments for Western Center

Interesting wood detail surrounding the bottom, Dont think ive seen a station like this before!
Very nice lighting here Motts! Down the hall the light makes a complete square! Cool effect!
Haha Toot, that's what it looks like, doesn't it? Nice shot Motts, as usual your gallery of photos are amazing!
Nice Shot! You can still see the curtain racks on the ceiling, at least the patient was provided some kind of privacy, not so, in other hospitals.
I think that this is just a sink, possibly used to scrub up for surgery/medical proceedures.
I like the sign too! and, I agree with it!
While I don't like to see this sort of vandalism, it looks like they could really use the practice.
way *off* the mark! Looks like im off the mark too! lol
Two items made the bulls eye, the rest were way of the mark! haha!
Well thats sad, a baby crib in a dark, dingy corner! Looks like there used to be pictures above the crib, so this must of been the original set up, Poor Child!
Finding cribs in a place like this seems so strange. Did they really send them that young?
Wow great perspective in this one! The brooding sky is perfect.
Heh the two blue chairs are talking about the red one.
The blue must have been intended to be calming.
It went from pristine to damage. Tile everywhere - its so cold.