688 Comments for Western Center

A Beauty Shop from Hell
stainless steel has a half life of 10,000 years I think
This is the most sinister looking tub I ever saw. If I was the kind that took baths, seeing this would put and end to that and I would definitely switch to showers!
Perfect way to end a week, with a new gallery. Thank you!!
Charity - thanks, I've only been to L.A. once as of now (4/2010), but I hope to visit more places out West in the future. It's tough to justify a trip there rather than somewhere else, as the places I'd like to see are so far apart (lots of driving and $).

I have been down in the South a few times though, and documented a fair amount of New Orleans post-Katrina. Also had a blast seeing parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas. Still working on trying to get these photos posted of course :-)

Debbie, thanks, I try to think of something about each trip that stood out in my mind, and that usually becomes the title of the gallery.
Motts Thanks for another wonderful gallery to see. Motts How do you come up with these names on the gallery.
I think is RIP!!!!!!! Mr. Motts i am right.
Motts another wonderful gallery to see. Thanks Motts.
The couch to match the chairs!
I like those chairs!
"I didn't think they used those numbers in any building , let alone one like this?"

Well I can say for sure that I stayed in room 666 at Seven Springs PA on my honeymoon.
what an amazing shot. great colors and lightning!
wooow, Im getting dizzy just looking at that.
motts, thanks for another ride. enjoyed it very much. have you thought or been out west or to the south even? lots of things to see down here as well.
So much for sleep tonight!