688 Comments for Western Center

Wow. I am surprised by how many people don't seem to understand that this sign is supposed to be taken humorously. I can excuse "Norgegian Man" man, as English is not his first language, and the meaning may be lost to him to some degree, and the rest of you guys who understand that it is supposed to be funny but don't find it so.
Way to keep politics out of the comments, MARIE, CMT ;)
Hank....lol maybe there was an eye 'out' and down that hole
it's not creepy as far as morgues go. I've seen worse by Mr Motts, much worse hihihihi!
the room on the right feels claustrophobic to me.
this is just awesome. Bloody fantastic!
seems cold....not a room I'd want to strip naked in :(
Come to the Milwaukee Motts
eldokid..................laugh outloud..............very loud!
gotta laugh! :))
red chair is not amused :)
Only one thing to say here....

D . N . A
when places are abandoned and clean they are weirder somehow
Mom and Dad chair have a "sit down" discussion with their son....
These kinds of structures are the ones that seem to hold my attention. The older ones can be like looking at a diorama out of a medical museum. But these semi modern, (but before the tech revolution of today) are there ones that bring back memories of my earliest encounters with the world of hospital care, and hospital fear. Those tiled walls, and industrial floors…. It’s almost as though I can smell that Hospital smell every time I gaze deep into the picture……