688 Comments for Western Center

Judging by the colour of the marks it seems as though they were made a while ago and since varnished over, maybe they weren't made by 'vandals' but by someone who was there while the place was open?
Judging by their aim, I suspect this may have been done by the same individuals who tossed the paper out the window earlier.
ugly yellow glazed brick like in my grade school!!
as in "Defenestration of Prague"!!
that's one ugly ceiling/wall/floor color combo.
If you come down this in a wheelchair, you better have good brakes. The pitch (angle) of the ramp is quite steep. Lovely shot, thanks for sharing, Mr. Motts.
Are you guys seriously not considering the fact that institutionalized youth are capable of getting pregnant? Or do you really believe that babies get institutionalized? Seriously, think.
I never saw a "1"X"2" tile used on a floor before
My father says this all the time.
I love that you legitimately used a form of the word 'defenstrate'. Best word in the english language.
lol, I wondered if anyone would get to the soap dispensers. :)
Canada, post secret was my first thought too!
@opal-you're right! Nobody should put baby in the corner...babies are meant for warmth, love, and lots of cuddling! Can you tell that I love babies?! : )
nobody puts baby in the corner.......
its a sluice, i've not seen one quite like it but we've got loads like this in the uk, along side modern macerators