
If there are any real pressing personal issues at stake here feel free to instant message me at pizzahead19.
I ride the Staten Island Ferry every time I'm in New York. Sad to see how the end up.
This type of picture always makes me wonder... who's shirt is that? why did they just leave their shirt? did they forget and just never go back? wtf
After all the yellow liquid was drained and put in those jars they leave lying around, it would probably weigh a lot less.....
Very spooky shot. My eyes actually widened in shock at this one. I think it's the starkness of the wheelchair backed into the corner. Like someone was trying to back away in terror from something awful about to happen.
Did this serve the entire complex?
"whatchamacallit" is a blanket term used only when its a model - TD 78 13 or higher..... anything under that would technically be a Thingamajig.... Dohickie can be used for anthing else =8-)
I see no real need for you to attack me with profane words, I am not here to fight with you. I am here to comment on a fellow photographers work and to put in my two cents, if you will. And no I am not jealous of Mr. Mott's ability (No real offence Motts, I may have been inebriated at the time of my Northampton comments). I do enjoy seeing the repsonses of the more than loyal following on this website, though.
I would like to see a 360 degree of all the wrecks.
i would have so looted these ships of all the cool old stuff.
i have lived in paterson my whole life and i really think we should do something about fixing the stadium up
Wow! What a gorgeous shot! Isn't it amazing how decay can be beautiful?
Can you imagine what this stuff would bring on eBay?!?!
The two notches are where the ring & snap of the signal flag clear. The picture is of the "flag bag".
There is a hunched over figure in the big middle window as well. It looks like someone preparing to jump down.