
looks like anthony keidis (sp?) hahahaha...
Guess I havn't visited this location in a while (but of course, you found it first!) ;-)
My grandmother has one of those. Takes some elbow grease, but it works better than the ice crusher on our fridge.
but, but , Lynne............... I saw it first :-(
Well, usually he uses his flash, or the flashlights differently. (I'm talking about the interior shots.) I do enjoy the external shots with the overcast skies. But the internal shots have changed. Either way, I like the change.
I think its mainly the grey and overcast skies that give it that feeling Grace.
This is one of the if not THE best shot in this trip's collection. It's so different for you. I love the soft off center lighting.
I quite agree with you. ;)

I don't know if it was the stress of your trip that day or the fact that the skies were very overcast, but the majority of this gallery is much more dark, brooding and unsettling. It doesn't have your usual style. I really like this new aspect of your photography.
Looks like something you would see in a German Expressionist film.
Do you have any of your Pennhurst EVP online researcher?I would be very interested to hear them.
I agree with Rich this is not art at all,just the work of some little wannabe eminem.It is abit like Pennhurst's Candy Cane Dungeon the only difference being the Enchanted Forest was for the most part a happy place whereas Pennhurst never was.
I wouldn't doubt that bats actually do reside here,not vampire bats ofcourse.
when Pennhurst closed down the once resadents of this place never left for long , as they had no where to go.
they return to live in the inside of the walls of what we know of pennhurst today.
I came acroos this web site on accident when i was lookin up information in the willowbrook state school....the pics on here are absolutely amazing....and alot of them depict the living conditions in thses schools and hospitals very well... im an employee of the central new york DSO andive recently been spending alot of time looking in to the history of these opld state facilities and such... i was wondering if u had any info on willowbrook????
That water tower *rules*.

Whereabouts is this place in relation to Boston?