
I think Motts has another eye in the back of his head too. Just like mothers do. So we'd best all behave. :)
let's hope that if some vandals chuck rocks at it it'll at least fall in on their heads.
What kind of equipment? I'm a theater tech and find your theater shots fascinating (especially considering that most of the gear I work with is almost as old as the gear in your photos :p)
Better lay off the sweets, motts.
I like the floor. The fallen ceiling tiles are being absorbed by the floor, or so it seems.
Aha I think you may be right Rich.
Imagine the crud IN it too! Lynne hon who knows what may have been taking place on this old matress all these years later though? Eeewww!
Looks to me like two or three broke.
rich_edwards, Laserdiscs were one of the various video formats available in the '80s - they actually predate CDs by a few years. They are the size of an LP, and are recorded on both sides.
Why would just that one board break? I picture someone standing on it, or jumping off of it. If it was just from sitting, the middles would've all broke.
benihana, sorry to inform you, but I think that is a window with a line that slightly curves upwards under it. No hard feelings...Cyclopses dont smile, they only have one eye and that makes them all emo about everything, and their one eyeness.
Anyone else see the cyclopse smiley face on the door?
Can't really improve on near perfection, smartass-wise, but I'll try. =}
Dixmont State Hospital is a prime example of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's lack of attention to its taxpayers and residents as a whole. Closed down since 1984, the facility and its grounds was left to decay and rot until the 1990's. I was saddened today to learn that the old hospital was under demolition and that a fire had broken out in part of the buildings (source Channel 4 news WTAE).

The Commonwealth has abandoned many other building like Dixmont. Would it not be in the peoples best interest if Dixmont, as well as some other notable buildings, been donated to non-profit historical societies with the sole responsibility of keeping these old instructions alive so that future generations may learn from it?

Oh well perhaps this is just one young history buff who is asking the Commonwealth for too much?

I agree with you damn sad.
Motts, youve really stepped your painting game.