1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

YEA! First somment! Someone spelled "sister" wrong - - I would like to see what the rest of the wall says.
LOVE this shade of blue. But I wonder why it's only peeling in some areas?
I love the colors in this place.
Looks like someone tried to pry it open.
Something about peeling paint that is fascinating.
All made of rust except the two plastic and one wooden one!
WOOO HOO! A new gallery! There really is a Santa Claus!
And sorry about the confusion with the Asylum book. I should have known it wasn't your photo because even though the subject was similar, there was something lacking that made me feel it wasn't yours.
WONDERFUL! I'll be first in line to buy a copy!
Are those Mr. Mott's footie prints in the snow? This is the same room in another gallery, different angle. But it's the same bed, same sheets, same radiator. BUT there was a table next to the bed, I had that photo as my desktop also, and that image is burned into my memory. (like most of Motts shots). "Motts Shots" that would be a good name for a book. Which reminds me, I recently purchased a book called simply "Asylum" and there were several photographs that I could have sworn I saw here so I think Mr. Motts should investigate to make sure his work isn't being pilfered. They didn't give any credit to the photo but it was the one taken through a round window on a door that was all crinkled with paint, I know I saw that here.
Kinda looks like a gas station with the pumps all lined up.
Toxic to be sure
- and never come out - - -