53 Comments Posted by Rapunzel's wish

Anyone interested in The Enchanted Forest...
There is going to be a spot done on Maryland Public Television, (MPT), on their show, "Art Works This Week". It will air, this Wed., Sept. 20th, 2006, @ 7:30pm.
It is a short segment about The E. F. and the pieces that have been moved over to Clark's Elioak Farm and restored.
Sadly this tower has collapsed.
When it collaped, it took the lower, smaller turret at the bottom of this pic, with it. It collapsed sometime last year (2005) There are only about 3-4 towers left now.
"Only The Shadow knows!!!!!!!!!!!!"
You're right BEAVIS, he does look bad, but take heart, - I have heard that when they tried to get him out the first time, and couldn't, they had Mr. Mark Cline, (he does this type of thig for a living, and is excellent at it), go in and take measurements, because they thought they would have to have a replica made.
So, with the measurements, and all the pictures they can gather, they will be able to fix him back up! Clark's Elioak Farm is always looking for photos, especially for restoration. They will gladly scan anyones pics of The E. F. so they can restore these precious treasures!
(Motts has the link to their website at the intro. of this E.F. series of pics. You can contact them through that)
So glad you got to go BEAVIS!
Did you get to go to the Birthday Celebration?
How was it?
You mean she didn't just flat-out push you?????
Reminds me of the movie, Blade Runner
sandi, do you remember the cement Birthday Cake the was inside this building?
Incredible work Motts!
looks like the short ends of bricks, as opposed to the long sides of them.(?)
I love the look of the curtains in this, especially in contrast with the textures of the rest of the room. I can almost see the curtains blowing in the light breeze coming through the open windows. Just beautiful!
Oh wow !
Poem and photo go together so beautifully!
In it's day, there was a ceiling where the light now pours into this main room of Cinderella's Castle. (The ceiling was the floor of the third floor of this structure.) You would have seen a beautiful chandelier hanging in this spot . but like Ladyhawke said, due to arson, the chandelier, and the ceiling from which it hung ,were destroyed. Also directly above, at what would be the top, or third floor of Cinderella's Castle, sat a small house where the "happily ever after " scene could be found...this little building was also destroyed int the fire.
(Great shot of the second floor and the third floor of this structure in the John Water's movie, "Cry Baby" with Johnny Depp )
And the walls are growing into the floor! (esp. on the right side of the room)

Wonder what the room, (and plant), would look like if you went back in a few years!? I imagine the plant would be as tall as the entire window!