130 Comments Posted by Mystwict@aol.com

Ah, creepy, just creepy. I love it! This place is in good shape for being abandoned 32 years.
Another amazing, infamous Motts shot. Good show! Great array of color!
That is a heart wrenching photo. Good eye Motts. I wish it did say Beth.
Reminds me of 'Down the Spine'. Great Shot!
Oh my! The Throne of Decay! Wonderful shot Motts! Thank you!!
Symmetry at it's best!! I love it!
Great angle! Has a 'deep' feeling to it.
This room reminds me of The Hobbit.
Pinks, purples, whites and greens make this photo a feast for the eyes.
I am in awe. Your use of the light and the almost divine chosen cubicle make this one of my favorites. Good show Motts!
Great shot. Nice color contrast and mood. Although every time I see a shot of wasted supplies, gives me the shivers.
Thought provoking and sad. I could see the patient sitting on the side of that bed...looking out or looking in. Which site would be better?
Ahh...creepy image.
This room is an image of depression. I am sure we have all slept in a room smaller than this. But for the patient to live in these tiny surroundings day after day, probebly mustered up images in their minds that many of us will never understand. Thank gods for the windows.

The worst room, IMO, is the isolation room in Kings Park, in the basement. Room Number 3.
BTW...Danvers was the first thought in my mind also. :-/