34 Comments Posted by Amanda's Mom

My husband claims it is a verticle nutrition propulsion system.
What if it is female?
I prefer non-verbal food transport system. LOL
My guess would be arson too. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to everyone. Been a long hard day. Spent most of it at Children's Hospital.
Truckie is absolutely correct in everything he has reported. There were no further updates since they got the fire out rather quickly. When I first told you about the fire it had only just been reported. There wasn't much information available about the fire. And, like Truckie said, the skies were clear over Pittsburgh today. I would like to know where that "lightning strike" came from.
I'll let you know if I hear any more. Right now I have to take my daughter to visit a friend in the hospital. Will let you know if there is anything more on the news tonight.
Here is what is on the news website. http://www.thepittsbur.../5266625/detail.html

It sure isn't much yet. You can see the fire burning through the roof on the tv report. I find it upsetting too. Glad Motts got to take the photos before this!
It just came over the local news that Dixmont is on fire right now. Fire crews have just been called out.
I guess that would mean I need to buy a coffee table!
What I am saying is that the illness itself sometimes does not allow that person to understand that they need help. There is a reason why they are unwilling to accept the help and it is the illness itself. When something is messing with your mind you really don't think so rationally. It is something VERY frustrating for the people who love them. It is just not simply something they do to themselves, it is more something that is happening to them. Mental illness is not a choice. There is nothing worse than wanting to help someone and them not even understanding that they need help. I am not saying that locking them up is the right or wrong treatment. I am saying is that it is not thier fault, nor is it the fault of thier loved ones. It is the fault of a cruel illness that distorts the way they see things. I am not speaking as someone who has never had experience with mental illness. It sounds to me as though you cared deeply for your ex. However, sometimes to protect your own mental health you have to leave a situation. I am sure that your heart was broken a lot of the time. I am merely saying here that no person is to blame, the illness is.
I really like this room.
Pepple don't do it to themselves because they are unwilling to get help. Mental illness is just that, an illness. It changes the way a person thinks. Sometimes it cause paranoia. A person suffering from paranoia is not likely to trust someone to give them help. Also because of the nature of the illness mentally ill people may not realize they need any help.
That just brings out too many feelings to even express.
There are more than just spelling errors. There are a great many other errors as well.
"Is fecal smearing the new "thing" for goth hipsters? Wow, I've been out of the loop."

Gee, if it is I am going to start getting a bit worried when my daughter and her friends take too long in the bathroom!