10 Comments Posted by wolf

Pretty sure that’s actually a giant walk-in soap dispenser.
Greetings. You’ve been gifted TV from the sky.
Why people in the 80s thought that we should festoon our walls with such colors....

Also, again with the interesting lighting
Relax, Float around, and contemplate the very different lighting design and fixture choices that someone decided to implement before asking yourself, “But...why? Why did they do this?”
Is that a stage to the far left? Odd, I don’t see any proper rigging points for cabinets or ellipsoidals. I hope the round plates in the saucer aren’t the only speakers for the house! As an audio technician that makes no sense to me, even for that time. You would at least have an incan or two hanging somewhere.
Wow. I don’t really know what to say. I must say all the parallels between this situation and the showers in your typical public school were very thought invoking. There really isn’t that much of a difference and yet the situation at Worcester just feels so wrong. Worcester is really something else when it comes to institutions and I now have a very strong urge to start researching the place like a mad man (Excuse to buy more books. Yay!). The whole hospital is just so different from all the other Kirkbride models. Not only in its features but even in things not normally noticed like the type of materials used to construct the building. It’s so unique but it sure does feel much darker than most of America’s other institutions.

You guys I’ve an incredible community here, I have never learned so much from so little, simply a handful of comments. Makes me wonder why I paid for college to learn not much of anything.

Thank you Mott for all you do. History is the greatest teacher of all for those who chose to listen. Ever think that a decade and a half later, this place and this particular picture would still be inciting people’s fascination and inspiring further research?
What a gorgeous ceiling. It looks so unaffected by time and the elements compared to everything else.
Motts, wonderful job. The photos are fascinating and speak for themselves. The building that these notes and photos were in, has it been demolished? Was there any name in the notes that you recall? It's clearly blood in the photograph. I know this is a long shot but, Has it crossed anyone's mind that the person in the photo could be male?
The photo and the notes have me obsessed. I am so determined to find out who the woman in the photo was and what the outcome was of the woman described in the notes.
1055 definitely a hand print