20 Comments Posted by smee

This is one creepy picture! Your eye is drawn to the black cave(?) in the center, and the drab ceiling and walls sort of go together color-wise to frame that black area...
It almost looks like a painting!
the railing looks so fluid and graceful against the rough stone! Normally I love the older, rougher-looking stuff, and can't see what people see in modern style, but in this case, the railing sets off the brick/stone beautifully.
it's lovely the way the yellow wall is peeling to show the green paint underneigth, while the yellow wall picks up the yellow-greens of the plants... ties them together beautifully!
yes, they knew that heat rises, but remember these places had to accomodate people who were dangerous to themselves--harder to burn yourself (on purpose or not) on a high-placed radiator. Not to mention seditives and other meds--can you imagine if some sedated patient fell asleep against one? Better to elevate them.