93 Comments Posted by rachel

totally love this pic,
It's unnervingly beautfiul.
actually went there and squeezed through the side of the fence almost went in but the cops showed up i almost got arrested but was let off with a warning damn i wish i got in
Oh wow....

This is amazing.
Holy shiznit.

These pictures send chills up my spine......

Especially the last one, the clown??
WOW. Great picture.
The abuse they endured is enraging. That's why we shouldn't ostrcize people with mental issues. Seems to happen because no one is paying attention. There's more inspections and safety gaurds these days. I think. Been There Worked There, what's your take on how the place treated people?
to those posted about being patients, I appreciate your points of veiw.
MJ- I thought your comment about the patients playing pocket pool was really slanderous of the people who had to brave "mental illness" and this institution, who often experienced dehumanizing sexual, physical abuse from those "sane" employees. The same people who were supposed to be helping them. Thankyou Motts, Radical Ed, etc. for sharing this place, and for leading me to the story of Anna Jennings. I think it's important to understand how people are shaped by their world. And you call them "nuts" MJ! errrrg! I always wonder about the experiences these places have witnessed. The stories of peoples lives, it's all history...
Yuck! I hate the smell of bleach and will not use it my autopsy room. Ever. I use special cleaners from a company called Mopec. Wonderful stuff!!
We keep all of our wet tissue for three years unless the case in pending litigation; and our micro slides permanently .
When we need tissue mounted on micro slides, we send them across the parking lot to the hospital. Once, after I had made the trek I sat in the Histo-Path lab chatting with the techs there and just happened to glance at the Bio-bag sitting next to my elbow. It contained an amputated portion of a leg. The owner had diabetes it had become gangrenous and needed to be removed before it could spread. Anyhow we then launched into a lengthy conversation about limb storage...
Ha, we still break in the new help. :D
I'm dumb-----what does Interstice mean?