25 Comments Posted by nate

I went in and explored last summer there is security and police but I managed to get in there was a huge group of us and we were in the building behind the security post and we all tried to see if anything was there like a ghost or somthing and we all we're in a circle and turned off our lights and we asked if anyone was there and all of a sudden I heard what sounded like a brick slide and then fall behind me. Maybe it was just an old building but it gave me the heebie-jeebies after that it is a very interesting place and if your sneaky enough no one should see you and you should be able to explore no problem
in person
i want to see it
they might of took them cause there were blood on them or remins
You guys are simply amazing. I would love to be able to do what you do. Keep up the great work.
It kind of looks like a turret camera system. The camera will follow you and the computer inside will take aim, then you better hope there's some cover nearby as it opens fire... :P
You guys are awesome. I love these photos. I don't know why, but there is something about these pictures that I just want to see more. Keep up the good work guys!
my dad went in this place!!
Great shot, if you look at the image long enough toward the top it looks as if there's something shooting at the camera.
I'll have to agree, amazing gallery.
Great shot, absolutely awesome.
Amazing shots, thanks for sharing!
I'd have to say the previous image and this one remind me of something out of Stephen King's "It" in the tunnel type system with the clown.
It's awesome how everything seems to sparkle in this image.