66 Comments Posted by memphisbelle2

Looks like a jigsaw got together with a typewriter and this was the result.
The Bennett School for Plants...
Ok now I'm positive my aunt sang on that stage too... been comparing photos with ones from when she was a "lounge act" in the 70s, touring resorts and hotels up in that area... tha over hert gold scalloped business is right over her head in one shot... wow, didn't expect that!! Waaay cool!
For what it's worth throwing my 2 cents into the souvenir debate, I once "salvaged" bits from an old, delapitated and very historic building here in Memphis (a brick from the garden and a large paint chip that were laying on the ground) when I sneaked in to photograph. It turned out the owners had never saved anything like these things and they ended up being the only articles of such left. I have preserved them with care and love and respect, saddened by the apathy for the incredible history this particular place held. When my daughter's older she'll have them and can do what she sees fit with them. Hopefully, she will get out of them what I and others do... the occasional moment of appreciation rememberance and curiosity. Not apathy or profit.
They close down a hotel and can't even rescue the frign plants?? Wow way ta give a crap.
Lol wieeerd
The very heart of the place...
Yep. Gotta be Ass Play Cave. Lmao
Nice cross-section of the ages right here: 60s chair, 20s door and trim... very nice.
Absolutely lovely.
Love it. Let's see, where do we wanna go today...?
Lol there were plenty o' 40s gumshoes done there too, Phifty.
See, now, today it would be a poster of a train. To quote a cliche yet again, they just don't make things like they used to.
Makes you really hesitate for a moment thinking that you'd exit those doors and actually find buses and cabs from the 30s waiting.