1 Comments Posted by katisha

i went to paul dever this past tuesday and had to run from the rent a cops lol we went into most of the buildings including the activity center with the bowling alley and the most interesting building was were there was a cage with a lock in the corner of a room and right on the side of it a 6 by 6 box with a door...childrens commonwealth of massachusets files saying how they were hurt and hurt eachother treated like animals locked up and tortured....random cries for help echoing through every building...on top of that it used to be a prison called miles standish where german prisoners were kept during ww2.imagine the horriblt things that have taken place in those buildings.someone should knock them down and put those souls to rest.i never believed in ghosts or anything paranormal really and still not sure if i do but i definetly believe that there is some type of evil in that place