2 Comments Posted by jender13

is there any chance that this might be the observation room for the seclusion room? or like John mentioned above, a hallyway with an observation panel in it?

I feel like Lynne, reminding us all that the place our minds go to first is usually the most horrible one, and not always the "real" one.

which is in no way meant to belittle or negate the stories of abuse and mistreatment that come out of any such institution (whether it be a state hospital, a VA hospital, a nursing home or a private institution).
i'm posting in the most recent gallery in the hopes that one of the "regulars" can help me out. I have spent hours on this site, love the artwork, love the thought provoking "discussions", and would love to join the forum, but everytime i try to register i get the "one of the security questions is answered incorrectly" message. i've retried at least 5 or 6 times on different days and can't get it to work, but have no idea what i'm doing wrong. and there is no way to ask for help without being registered. can any of the moderators help me out??? thanks much.