4 Comments Posted by jared

They used to be a lot louder. At one time, back in 2001ish, the entire building used to have free flowing power. Everything could be lit up. Now, I hear its only random rooms that will light. I remember this building when it was almost untouched. Its so trashed now. Still intersting regardless I supose.
That reminds me of how the morgue in 7 Kpsh used to look back in like, 2002ish. The med/surg building here closely looks like it. Good shot.
Intersting that those buildings are the same as the 20 or so pheniox houses in pilgrim. Just 2 floors higher. Its intersting to see how the state's reused the same plans over and over. Nice picture.
it was, it was unloaded out on the trussel. than brough into the power plant from the underground tunnels, now, i am not sure how thay got it up to the bin, but they got it up there some how. It was stored in the bin until it was needed than came down in the shoots infront of the boiler and shoveled in.