436 Comments Posted by ilovehorseyrides

Yea, lets!
I see these toys on the way to school. I see them on the way home from school, also.
EW! Did they use their own poop as ink? That is so gross.
Good thing mine is made of plastic!!!
OOOOH!!!!!! Kiddie pool!!!
These are the announcements:

Today is: Sunday
Today's Date: 8-16-2009
Weather is: Sunny
temperature is: 87 degrees (I think)
Dress: regular summer clothes
Next Holiday: Halloween/ Vacation to Disneyland CA (I'm confused... is it supposed to be a national holiday or a vacation holiday???)
Yes! More drawing paper for me!!!!
Where's the cowboy? I like cowboys leading lambs on a cattle drive...
And i thought I wasted napkins at every meal!!!
I saw these in my school. I took one look at them andf totally lost interest.
The toy on the right looks like a toy I had as a baby. I still have it, and my baby cousin plays with it whenever she comes over to my house.
Looks like the zoot suits that the Dapper Dans wore at Main street USa in Disneyland.
This looks like the Star Tours video game I have
I want one that says "How to Get Your Younger Sister to Shut Up". My sister is yakking on and on, and it's driving me NUTS!!!!