436 Comments Posted by ilovehorseyrides

Hey someone, go back to Pennhurst. They fixed it up, and it's now a haunted house attraction.
I meant Channel 29
Hey everyone... I saw this place on TV twice last night: once on Channel 27 at 10:41 PM, and again on Channel 6 at 11PM. The haunted house officially opened last night. Admission is $25. I wanted to go, but my family were all to scared to go with me. (I thought it was pretty cool.)(They were freaked out by the clips that were shown on TV last night. They didn't want to go to the one at Eastern State, also. Eastern State's closer to my house than Pennhurst. Eastern State's about 17 minutes from my house and Pennhurst is about 43 minutes from my house). Also, Eastern State has free admission. If anyone can take some pics of the haunted house, that'll be cool. Both are open on weekends until Halloween.
Isme this was turned into a haunted house instead.
Yes, Mouse. Channel 6 news aired the story on the news this morning at 6:05 AM.
Mylo, this place is gonna be a Halloween attraction. It was on TV this morning.
I saw this place on TV again this morning on Channel 6 at 6:05 AM. The haunted house thing is opening tonight.
My friend showed me pics of this today. They were awesome. I wanted to go here but my parents were too scared so I didn't go.
I'm with you brittany
The only Fantasyland I know of is at the Disney parks, DonnaT.
Hey Jacky is Highland near NYC?
Hey Justin W I heard this place is gonna be a haunted house on September 23rd.
The site doesn't work, KING_OF_SKULLS.
I saw this place on Channel 6 news this morning at 8:57AM. They have a haunted house attraction that's now open here. I won't be able to attend, but I would really love to visit this place someday.