yay i found new pics.. i useually stayed wth the dixmont ones since i live in pitt, but i am lad i went onto looking at more. these are great to look at. I may have to show my brother these. since he likes to look at them i the dark it ill be great for our haunted friday marathon thing we have coming up
there is going to be problems there then. Alot of them. since there is destruction of graves. my friends mom worked there for a little bit and she did tell us that there were unmarked graves
its no fair that it has to go.. it one of the best placed to investigate and there is so much history in there... i really hope that the new walmart is haunted... they are destroying a grave and all... since people obviously died there.
wow these stairs look safe. not ot bad with what i have seen. and to think there is nothing better than to have paint falling on u. imagine being there in the middle of the night and something falling on u in the dark.... can u say panic attack
i'll be praying. and i know there will be a miricle, and i am sure she will recover faster than thought. also u know what this picture makes me want. I would love to be in there at night and take some pics. It would be really interesting
thanks again. It would figure Reed Hall would. I actually wanted to go there cause Reed is my last name. Though it might be cool. Yeah i will talk to his asap. i'll post the date up here if i can go there and if others want to join me then that would be great.
hey do u think even though the building is being torn down that the spirtis will stop haunting the building. Their grave is being destroyed basically. Most likely the wal mart will not have any buisness. It will be haunted and the spirits will have pay back
yeah thats part of the project. i have to have an authority figure with me. of course it is near right impossible to get on the site..... with the cops and all, but i may be able to get on np, but since i have a team with me, i will get the cops involved, plus if something happens and we need emergancy help, it will be good to have them there
this picture is freaking me out. My friends mom worked there when she was younger... i think i know y she left now. Besides the fact that she was chased after by a crazy man.
hey do u think even though the building is being torn down that the spirtis will stop haunting the building. Their grave is being destroyed basically. Most likely the wal mart will not have any buisness. It will be haunted and the spirits will have pay back