1 Comments Posted by formerPDemployee

I have a great idea. To everyone that made all the negative comments of abuse and neglect, look up online some local agencies that are currently still taking care of our frailest residents. Yes, they are still around, living in group homes, going to day habs daily, and hopefully enjoying as much of the community as possible. Volunteer and see what it is like to give even a couple hours a week to these special people. Yes, many of them are elderly, and they have come along way in their lives. The conditions they lived in back in the institutions was not as private and personal as their environments now, but i do know that all of their needs were met on a daily basis. I remember wonderful barbeques, dances, strawberry festivals etc on the grounds of Paul Dever School that the residents treasured. Times have changed and so have all of us. When i look back at my childhood pictures, Im surprised by what I see. I shared a bedroom with 3 sisters - something that is not common practice in these times. And i can honestly say, the decor was not even close to what it is like now! Life back then was simple. Basics - you had what you needed, whether it was at home, or in an institution. Go to a group home now, and post pictures of how they are living now. Yes, they have kept up with the times!