6 Comments Posted by donyale

the chain and hook are really spooky. but in all reality we have to realize that these patiatants that were unstable really badly unstable would be chained up. chained to a wall like a animal. which is sad and wrong but back then they had no choice.
All hope is fleeing.
All I want is to go home and be with my family.
As I stand here in this empty, cold , and lonely room, I can feel their pain. All the people that were here before me are here with me now. They keep me company and reassure me that I am not alone. I cry to them because I know not why I am here, is it because I am unloved? Did I do something wrong? Why was I thrown into such a place? This is where I shall live and die. Listening to all the voices from the past, that were so badly treated, their screams
are my song to fall asleep to at night. Will I ever get out of this personal hell? only time will tell.
T he reason for the windows looking in the wash rooms are simple. A lot of abused children would think they were not being watched while they took bathes and would try to commit suicide. Every so often a nurse would walk by to make sure the children were oaky.
I own 3 wolves and i would hate to come home and find them like this