1 Comments Posted by cyndie

I was at yorkwoods 1986-1987. It was an intresting experience. I only remember
Certain things about that place but no everything. I was across the street at yorkwoods at they would have the girls go to the main hospital for school and etc .we had to ride on a bus.The room i was in , i shared with another girl .the bathroom was a big room like u would see in a locker room at a school .there was this one room i remember because this girl in there was put into a bed and restrained with those buckle things for the hands and feet then was given a shot of something.one girl tried to throw a chair out of the window .there was a padded room but i was only in there once.As a teenager i remember some of staff werent really all that nice . i ran away so iam not sure about alot of experiences and i think was put there as a form of punishment because not one time i did take any pills.