57 Comments Posted by charity

Yeah! A new gallery! Thanks alot. I just have to say Mr. Motts that since I found this site months ago I have been crusing some others that are out there and I have to say that you photos are in a league of their own. The composition, lighting and subject.... Just shows that you really care and are moved by what you are seeing and you are bringing us along for the ride.... to live vicariosly through your work has indeed been a privalge. I would also like to commend you for the extensive research that must be involved for each site. This allows us to almost be there with you. Thank you!
Great shot but I love the shots in hte older buildings much better. You can sure tell the difference.
This shot really brings it home, even though we sit here on our comps looking at these pics, hhere it is.... people really did live here in varying degrees of illness, something so personal, left behind, on purpose I think to remend us that there is a history ......
I'm sorry I am not usually the type of person who likes to argue but this really burns my butt!! To all of those who are really "tresspassing" the ones who are stealing, damaging, partying and playing around in these buildings; you are the ones that need to be kept out!!! You are the reason that these buildins have to be boarded up. walled up and patroled regularly. Could you imagine if they could take the money that they have to spend on security and possibly use that money to make it reativly safer for people like Mr. Motts and the like to go in and record their history? At the very least you guy that have no respect for these ancient artifacts other thatn the cheap thrill and the all mighty dollaar arre the problems here making it harder and harder for the UEs who just want to capture a diamond in the rough, a thing of beauty that at the rate this world is going will soon be forgotten. Thank you Motts for the work that you do! Because of your insight and remarkable talent these relics will be recorded forever.
Again, These hallways just speak to me. Thinking about the people who lived and worked here. And with the light pouring in for the rooms, the windows at the end like eyes looking out hopefully.... Thanms Motts for another great shot. Shout out to Kathy who is down here somewhere visiting anew as well.
WOW!!!! again you have floored me with your hallway shot. You havr such a great talent, did you study photography or was it just something that you just picked up and realized that you were really good at? Because it takes a pair of good eyes to compose this.
Just sitting here in the window waiting on a huge snow storm to arrive and came across this...... amazing.... the depth, lighting..... I'm without words..... you really captured the size.....WOW!!!!!!
I must agree with Tootuncommon. I am new to the site as well and have really enjoyed the many comments and have learned alot from them being here and I actually feel that I can comment whereas I don't on any other site that I have been on. But I do realize how long that the comment pages can get because I am one of the ones who sit up late reading all of them. So maybe a little pruning may be in order.
Another great gallert Motts thank you! Now back to page 5 as I said I haven't quite gotten though all you past work yet. Can't help but get caught up in it!
I am enchanted.... perfect shot, exsposure, lighting...
It looks like they might have built that ramp to remove all of the light and sound equipment when they closed.
More like into the deep. I stubbled onto this site about a month ago and haven't been all the way through yet. I must say Motts that you have captured the essence of all your subjects and I am absolutely enthralled! Shoutout to Lynne and JohnnyMac for all their comments and all the sacrifices they make on a daily basis to make someone elses life better. Motts keep up the outstanding work you are recording history here, thank you!