Danny girl, I would have reposted to your comment earlier, but i had to get some stitches on my hand. For I am making a new soapbox for Lynne. You are so right..What does she know of the days of yore? Your slamming the wrong person kiddo. She knows her Stuff. If I was on my deathbed I would want her at my side. She has no control of how it use to be."according to your story from a friend of a friend". I know nothing of the goings in in these Hospitals, nor do I come here and slam someone that lives,eats,sleeps 25 hrs. a day for other people.She cares, more than any of us know. Can you imagine nights she wonders what more she could have done. In other peoples hearts they all know she truly did her best. All I want to ask of you, is to walk a mile in her shoes. "you cant handle the truth".
Tom-Tom, Your message to Lady Hawk was wonderful. Its great seeing that side of a man. That beautiful woman was hurting, and you had magic words. I want to write them down.You are great.
Ladyhawke...i cant quite finish your lovely letter.I think your giving me the good cry i need. God love you for caring so much about someone you never met. My problems are small compared to yours. Please forgive me for forgetting I'm not the only one with problems Love you so Gail
Rapunzel's wish my little heart full of love girl, and LadyHawke my little angel of love. thank you both for the kind words, please forgive me for rambling so long last night , it was either too much vodka, or not enough. I miss my dad so. I lost him in July of 98. It hurts less, but it still hurts. does that make sense?
Ladyhawke, I'm glad to have caught you on your special day of love. I knew if I went to your stairs Id Find you sweetie. My Daddy is the one i lost Much too soon.I ache fir him so much that when i cry it looks like someone hit me from all the swelling, so sometimes I cant leave the house.I really do feel i have cracks all over my heart. At first loosing him i had lost the will to live. I was the apple of his eye.(only Daughter) and a brother that backed off when sickness came. So I had my Mother in Brigham's and Woman hospital having hip surgery. My daddy Was in the ward that held felons and junkies and other vicious people. My dad had Alzheimer's and they didn't know where to put him.mother didn't care,never Even saw him.When she got well they wouldn't let her go home with him, so i checked into areas near me because i knew id be the only one to mostly go, a few weeks later my mother in law got hit by a car in front of our house, (we built a beautiful addition on our house because she was lonely, )she had it all. huge yard basement. kitchen, livingroom, laundry room , bedroom, bathroom. it wasn't enough. she was always over my side up my ass about everything. plant flowers here.wash my floor, make coffee,vacuum for me. take me shopping. why are you putting on weight? 125lbs. mind you Then she got mad at me and said i heard her screaming and didn't go out to help her. The windows were closed i was bleeding heavy from a cyst in bed, she was by a pond at the other end of the house. I don't know why she liked to hurt me so.Sorry about the long story.I also was working 7 days a week.So i had my mother at home alone in Wayland to see everyday,bring food,cook also, and my Beautiful Daddy in a home with other alztimers thank god he fit in He really didn't know any better. I would try to see him at least twice a day to feed him,he forgot how.i hated when he saw me as his wife or sister. mostly i think he remembered me. I had 2 children at home to take care of also my daughter,and my stepson.whom at that time i found out was drugging heroin and steroids. My husband EX now would not help me with any of it. Went to counseling,she told him i need help.He said I'm out, She can council till her ass falls off i wont be back. I had to quit my job to help everyone, i tried the best i could . food on the table,food for my mother 1 hr. away.food for my motherinlaw, you know what lady hawk? she wouldn't let nurses in to clean her change her dressings, or help with work "oh no,,,Gail will do all that".Plus would YELL at me for seeing my Dad everyday, She said I was making him worse and more confused...Well when i was there and would go out for a smoke, he was thrilled to see me walk in. He didn't even rememberer i was there. TO ALL Please forgive me for being so long winded, I'm feeling Ive got some nice people here and I like it.
Lynne, Don't you think somehow these could have gone to private homes or other nursing homes? You more than anyone here know how much that would help others. Why do you think there left to rot?
Lynne if its at all possible could you please tell me the first thing on your mind when you see these photos? Also I love it when you show us other sites with these items. You are so right about the cost and just leaving them behind. Makes me wonder how much use other people could get out of them and couldn't possibly afford them.
Morning Mott's. How can you remember so much detail when we ask you something and do you ever move anything? Or are these "As is"? I know you hear it all the time,but you are incredible. What a gift you have.
Just Jeff I read that you have interest in the civil war. i can connect you with the only company that made the Hard Tack crackers, I believe he makes crates like they use to use. Gosh I hope that came out right.