1,466 Comments Posted by autoguy

Rauchen Verboten! (Smoking Forbidden) Raunchiness? *Lynne... snicker* :-)
An old friend of mine was 8 years old in Hamburg at the time. His family would post him at the front window of the house while they listened to radio broadcasts from outside Germany. Trucks would patrol, (Luftschutz?), with detection equipment that could sense the presence of an operating superhetrodyne radio set. (Tube-type) He would then warn the adults if he saw the truck coming. Getting caught would lead to the standard dire consequences.
So THAT'S where I left my red shirt! Things were a little foggy that day.
This was the guard's break room.
Steer Google Earth to Beelitz, Germany, and look just to the northwest. This incredible complex is a mile wide at one point. Turn on the Panoramio feature to see many more photos of this stunning installation. This must had been quite a treat for you Motts!
From Beelitz-online:

Wladimir Borisowitsch Amokow was a military doctor in the Soviet armed forces stationed in East Germany from 1976 to 1994. He created this concrete statue in the early 80's, and it is near 4 meters high. The inscription on the base is reported as: "Eternal glory to the heroes and fallen for the freedom and independence of our homeland"
Thnx for all this outstanding stuff Motts! You know we would all love to see more when you get the time to post!
I'll guess they had a table or a shallow tub on top of them. But then, the bit about soaking the dead body parts sounds good too.
It would make for a good Cialis commercial, absolutely. One for transient derelicts that is. Bag ladies need love too!
That just may be real blood in there from the zombies eating the invading victims.
Nice food prep table for the new restaurant going in there.
And suddenly, to my surprise, they did the mash!
That's routine splatter from the lobotomies.
But... uh... that looks like it would hurt to try to... um.. er... Ok look, I'd like to see some kind of demonstration to clarify this issue.
Only when the Third Reich zombies are not active.