27 Comments Posted by anthony

I can still hear the sound of these generators running. My dad was a stationary engineer for to DOC and I used to go with him to work a lot. I know every inch of this plant and spent my childhood exploring this island from I guess 1965'ish to mid 1970's
These murals were done by famous "skippy" comic strip creator Percy Crosby in the years he was committed there. Google him and read about his story ....true american tragedy .
I thought that patrol was taking care of trespassers? If so why still vandalizing going on?
I wonder if these machines would still run?
I wonder if in fact that if power was hooked up to it, if it would still run? Lets see if we can get that old power plant up and running again?
Welcome to your new home...Please don't forget to wash your hands in the sink by the door...
I bet it stinks
Looks like a ghost thumped it on night?
Nice warm room! I wonder if it's like this at night time in Henryton?
Wow my dad was in the. Childrens ward 65 years ago. He was torchered and abused for many years. Some how he survived those horrible years and produced 5 children and 13 grand children!!! He truly is an amazing Man!!
It's amazing how much history we have in the NY area but sad to see some things are left to rot. Bennett School for Girls in Millbrook NY is just another place that comes to mind. It's to my understanding they are going to tear that place down to make Condo's. Ahhhh, the world we live in....
Try cleaning ur teeth with that my dad always does
Wowwy this scares me to death
make the second left off martin luther king hwy pass the the first shopping center and the left and the second shopping center go down the streets its no lights the hospital is in the woods on the right its big ass shit and the patients houses on the left be carefully
i went there at night the police was at da trailer but i did not care we park the car ,got out in walked we went through a window that shit is crazy but make sure to were mask and gloves bacteria and germs still exist