2 Comments Posted by annemarie

i remember being so scared driving by the front of this building as a little girl. always seemed so gloomy even on a magnificant sunny day. would love to see a shot taken from the road i used to ride on. seemed to recall the building was further back
hi there I was there today my goodness you are right it is very creepy but i did not think that much of it till i saw the pictures posted here and other comments on the visit. if you are looking for the place it is part of the 4-h and us department of agriculture. the Umass extentsion service and the US department of agriculture are located in the front building of the property. that building itself is a little creepy but boy it will make me think twice now about going to meeting there at night. does anyone know how large the complex really is? there is the front built there are 4 or 5 garages and another out buliding. thanks for the picture