2 Comments Posted by aly7123

I've really been enjoying your site since I found it the other week and figured I'd eventually come across something in my neck of the woods. I grew up in Shenandoah (right over the mountain from where this was located) and am still in the county. It was so neat to see what the inside of the breaker looked like since I saw the outside of it all the time from the road as a child when we would go to Mahanoy City to visit my grandmother. Thank you for documenting a little bit of the history of my area that is now unfortunately gone...I'm looking forward to seeing if there are any other local places on your site as I make my way through it!
I just came across your site yesterday and was amazed to find Bethlehem Steel on here. My grandfather worked there and actually died there too (way before my time - my dad was only 5 years old at the time - around 1955). His name is on the memorial they have in Bethlehem for the people who died working there. It was kind of sad seeing these pictures and wondering if my grandfather worked in that area or if one of the pictures showed the exact spot where he died.