4 Comments Posted by aformerpatient

just read my posting, sorry for the misspelling. Has nothing to do with my state of mind just an inablility to type
ECT is still used today when conventional theraoies and medices don't I heve never had it but it was presented as a last resort. My understanding is that you are sedated. Depending on how much you've had, you can expierience long term memory lost among other things. My Great Aunt had it over60 plus years for postpartum depression. She is in her nineties unfortunatly no longer with the program. I dont believe this is because of her age because her siblings were all fine in their old age.
As I look at these pictures , i hope that some of the archecture is salvaged.
I spent some time in an "insane" asylum, which is still in operation. Broughton in NC. Most walls are white accept in the old parts or unused parts of the hospital. Restrooms are pink in the "class'"area.(both men and women) Other parts have murals painted by patients. Has seperate buildings fior different degrees of mental illness. Those are divided by male and Femaie . Each ward has seclusion rooms and one person rooms with observation windows. Other wise they are rooms that sleep 5 to 6 people. The main entrance has the history of the hospital as well as artifacts(old tools to "heal" patients. Used to be completely self sufficient. It is rumored that parts are haunted. You hear lots of noises. The walls echo rather than silence the other parts. There has been talk of it closing. It would definatley be worth exploring. After all we call it the mountain retreat.