13 Comments Posted by Xipp

Love this old stuff keep up the good work Motts...
Looks to be from around the turn of the century Early 1900's it even has a pic of the man himself "King Camp Gillette" Great find Motts
Nasty. Smells like Doo Doo
Great job again Motts. This place out of all of them gives me the creeps for some reason.Don't know why it just does.
From what i see here is the person looks to be saying that the USA is lustful. The symbol that looks like a cross with a small circle at the top is the Demonic symbol "Ankh" it's meaning is this: Symbolizes fertility rites and the building up of lust within a person. A spirit of Lust is the power of this union of male /female representations.
I don't know if i am interpreting its meaning correctly in this case tho.
Motts another fine job my man keep em com'n
Yea in China,That's why this country is broke
Another sweet shot Motts, Thanx for all your efforts.
Krankenzimmer translated means Sick Room or infirmary i believe.
Wash ur hands Motts...lol
Was this a place for the TALL people? from the camera's angle it looks like the showerheads are 10 feet in the air.
Glad to see a new post from you Mr Motts as always Thank you.
Nice shot Motts, Sorta looks like Blood has flowed out of that tube and onto the floor.
Glad to see you are still posting new locations for us to enjoy
As always I want to thank you for taking the time to bring us these amazing locations and an insight as to the workings of these old institutions.
the history of this plant is interesting here is a link showing it's history http://www.conti-onlin...tory/history_en.html
oops (as) always my bad
Who's Go-Cart is at the end of the hall? He He Great shots Motts an always