933 Comments Posted by Wanderer

as is anything in life- those attending Bennett didn't think it would ever end [ or cared ] in such way-the natural ending of wood and stone is movement and often not the good way [ guess humans fit in this description] what a wonderful thing to be able to see the movement of this beautiful ediface until her ultimate demise - glad to see all of the oldies on the board - see ya next year w ho knows what it'll bring for all of us
didn't Brooke Sheilds go to vassar
U make me laff PR -your oration is so eloquent and u could be the mayor of Bennett school must say off with her head - dormers- facade etc -yes UE's have been there and the fence is a' I told them so
the Millbrook inteligencia sit there twittling a pencil amidst fingers with the other hand behind their back fingers crossed- how long can they hold this position
i live 1200 miles from Sandy but my family is there on the East coast no damge where they live but waiting for PR to give us the definitive answer
did Sandy do any damage to Bennett school
seems like Oct is a good date for a rumor to demo but as history shows it's a fairy tale and PR wll tell ya the village has no money to do it - frankly if the rumor does come to fruition may it be next Oct when i can be there to see it but until that time ------ the old girl stands to face another winter
kudos to your pg rated comment and I laughed at the fact that the stonework will out live us-the wheels of government move slow- just as the degeneration of the old girl- good to see U poke your head in on this conversation--we'll see how winter treats her
hey stax man -if U really want to -get on the web and U can find video of UE in the old girl +other sites show her in depth -have fun
PR -glad to see U came out of your abyss-seems like this conversation has to do with spirits from various viewpoints-I would be under the table wth the succession of libations U mentioned- not being a seasoned drinker -all the more for U-stay coherent so U can post later on when something unnerving happens to the OLD GIRL
happy to hear from ya- looks like nothing new with Bennett 'cept the fence- got there last year and walked the perimeter around the back the fence is very close and Bennett Commons [ an apartment complex] is bumped right up there- did my best but no new pics i read parts of it is falling but not much great YET! --will not be going there this year [ my house is screaming for repairs ] but plan a big bust out next year and hope the old girl hangs on for me- no go with UE there- guess my pin feathers keep me from further investigating the the ediface - watch for updates from Ratchet man
u have to see it in person to really love it
who was it who said 'give em hell Harry' - right on PR man
you're it Ratchet---- it's your turn
hey Stax thought U went down under -not hearing from your accent for sooo long -PR has his finger on the pulse of the village magisterium- saw the infamous fence last year- oh my what a joke- the cave in is soo much more impressive in person and being watching this magnificent mess since '85-.whenever people can't explain something they mistify it as haunted-the unknown makes them happy- and believe me if I lived there I'd be one of those law breaking UE people oops! this year is a no go to MIllbrook but plan a whopper of a vaca and hopefully the old girl will stil be a place for the crows to nest
didn't think of the fire risk from overgrown vegitation-it's been HOT and not much else expected -U know how the ugly stepchild gets treated