26 Comments Posted by VenusVamp

Thank you Motts for opening up a side of life to us that we have only heard 'whispers' about. You are a true artist in every respect!
Pillow Sterilization maybe since they don't seem long enough for mattresses?
What is that white roll?
Bandages, paper or TP?
-am creeped out by the close proximity of the other person's bed-
This does not lend any medicinal assistance for claustophobia does it? It would actually MAKE me "climb the walls" so to speak....
Could you imagine experiencing the throes of dementia in an impersonal room with a stranger in the next bed?
Did you happen to notice what the bedding was made out of?
Feathers, etc?
Just wondering.
It is good to know that I wasn't the only one who mistook them at first for barbaric barbed wire cages!
Thanks! *S*
This way the 'hard to handle' patients were able to enjoy their own version of the Solarium! That they cared enough to provide this room proves that they weren't completely heartless in the manufacturing of this facility!
My old grade school had these kind of windows prior to renovating. They were 'kid friendly" the teachers said. This way they could open the top panes for air (The opened useing long wooden poles with metal hooks on the end to trip the latches) and not worry about children falling out of them.
This must be the same reason why they are here.
These doors have such an inpersonal, forlorn, and depressed look/feel to them. Could you imagine the sound of one of them clanking shut?
I know buildings can decay fast when made of sub-standard building materials. Yet I can't help but wonder if due to budget cuts and lack of funding, if these poor souls had to live in a bit of decay.
What appalls me most about this room is the lack of privacy! Sometimes stalls are not enough for me, can you imagine somone sitting there right next to you sharing the TP?
Is that an Industrial Utility tub I spot lurking off to the right?
The size of the room and the positioning of the overhead lights lends to the idea that maybe there were rows of beds in here for multiple patients?
This room does give more of a sense of privacy then the open mesh walls of prior rooms. The way the paint is 'bubbling' reminds me of the Lead based paint of the 30's. My parents house was wall to wall with the stuff. It was that (personal opinion here) awful green as in this place. It was very durable but 'bubbled' rather than peeled.
Is not that 'observation window' a bit high? You would have to be very tall to be able to access it.

(steps up on soapbox)
Why do we tear these places down and corral the lambs out onto the streets? Is it so that they will be consumed by the wolves? Out of sight, out of mind? It seems to me that they are tearing these buildings down in an effort to say "Inhumane treatment of humans? Where? You cant prove it!"
Do they not realize that if the cover the mistakes of the past, that we are bound and destined only to *shudders* relive them?