38 Comments Posted by Tyne

I agree with serenityjane. The combination of all the different textures, and the way the shot is halfway focused on the iron. Excellent shot!
Motts, your hallway shots are always amazing, but I think this is probably my favorite as of yet!
I can't explain it, but this shot is very welcoming.
Motts, I like your rhyming. ^.^
Are we sure it's a fire alarm? Are we sure it isn't... a soap dispenser?! I'm sorry! I had to!
babydol, the only reason you would be "marched in there and hosed down" is if you hadn't showered for weeks on end, or were an absolute mess with things unnecessary to name, and were still refusing to shower.
I wish the hospital where I worked had rounded corners! It would have made things a lot less, um, bloody, shall we say?
That thing is huge! I can't take my eyes off of it!
It looks like the last person there stole the soap dispenser before they left! What creeps!
This shot is breathtakingly gorgeous. Is "breathtakingly" even a word?! -shrugs- Oh well, it works!
I love how you can see the different phases of the sun setting.
It kind of reminds me of the shaving scene is Girl, Interrupted.
I'm not even there and I'm feeling my knees go weak from the height! Holy crap! Amazing shot!
I know at the state hospital where I worked, if someone were put on a level they would have all things that they could hurt themselves with (including a bra) taken away and then as they decreased in level they were able to get more back. So once they were allowed to have a bra again they first had to use a state bra (logo and all) because they didn't have wire and they were just made differently so that there wasn't a chance of the patient hurting themselves again.
I still cannot believe what Wal-mart did. I am NEVER shopping there again.